Contact Judy Hatswell

Ph: +61 2 9872 4231
Mobile: +61 4 17 041 275

Judy is currently training in the areas of:

  • Quality Schooling
  • Choice Theory/Reality Therapy
  • Lead Management
  • Character Education – Restoring
  • Respect and Responsibility
  • Classroom Management
  • Leading Effective Practice Through
  • Partnerships
  • Communicating for Success
  • Supporting People Through Change
  • Developing Effective Relationships
  • Effective Management Skills in Business


Changes in staff expectation and workplace responsibility are creating demands for leaders and managers to understand why humans act and behave. Judy Hatswell and Associates offers a range of training opportunities to assist business owners, teachers, managers and staff understand human behaviour. From this understanding members of an organisation at all levels learn together to develop practical skills which nurture positive team work. The end results can be measured in improved relations, enhanced productivity and customer satisfaction.

Business Courses


Implementing Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management in Business

Basic Intensive Program, Advanced Intensive Program   Central to the development of a quality organisation is the concept that members are involved as a learning community in striving for more effective outcomes.   Many businesses have found that incorporating the ideas of Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management into the workplace has resulted in …

Conflict and Personal Responsbility in the Workplace

Positive self management with employees will never be achieved by focussing on order or consequences. There is no discipline system that can change the negative behaviour causing concern. Success will only be achieved by increasing an individual’s skills in responsibility, respect, tolerance, relationships and conflict management techniques. Teaching these skills and competencies as part of …


Retain Sanity Restore Responsibility

Working with employees with behavioural difficulties is stressful for all parties involved. Intervention strategies require complex solutions to complex problems. This practical workshop enables participants to understand the purpose of behaviour and to design intervention strategies for managing staff members within the business framework. It incorporates a variety of techniques such as anger management, empathy …


Leading in Leadership – Lead Management the Pathway for Responsible and Effective Change

Quality leadership is at the core of a quality workplace. Managers become quality leaders through the practice of leadership skills developed via structured learning experiences presented in this course. Effective lead management directly influences working relationships, individual work satisfaction and the quality of work performance of an organisation. By understanding and using the skills of …


Self Evaluation

Self evaluation is the key component for personnel taking responsibility for their own workplace satisfaction. Research indicates that self evaluation plays a key role in fostering an upward cycle of learning. Self evaluation encourages individuals to set higher goals and achieve better outcomes in their personal development. This course will teach the skills of implementing …


Interviewing for Success

Managers are placed in many situations which require sophisticated interviewing skills. Knowledge about quality interviewing is shared and techniques are demonstrated and practised in this highly interactive workshop. Participants will leave the course with skills that can be effective in managing staff for a better and more harmonious workplace. The concepts and practical examples of …


Confrontation Skills for Positive Outcomes

Confronting staff over shared concerns while at the same time maintaining positive relationships are skills necessary for all managers and administrators. This course provides understanding of communicating for success and practice in using these skills to enable leaders to successfully work with staff for effective resolutions of difficult situations.   1 or 2 day course


Understanding Conflict – Prevent Incidents Becoming Crises

Understanding and avoiding conflicts are essential skills for all managers. 95% of crises begin with the most insignificant of incidents. By attending this course participants will begin to understand the conflict cycle, learn skills to defuse potential conflict situations, reduce stress, save valuable time, remain calm and grow in confidence in managing difficult behaviour.   …


Life Space Crisis Intervention

Life Space Crisis Intervention is an advanced interactive therapeutic strategy for turning crisis situations into learning opportunities for individuals with chronic patterns of self-defeating behaviour. This course will enable managers to understand the techniques and strategies to prevent escalation of incidents. Learn to identify different patterns of behaviour. Learn skills to help employees whose unresolved …


Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a different way of being smart. It is a sense of self awareness. It includes social skills and empathy skills, identifying feelings, being confident, understanding and managing moods, motivation and delaying gratification. Researchers now generally agree that IQ counts for less than 20% in achieving success. The ability to manage one’s emotions, …


Communicating for Success: Assisting Resistant Clients and Staff for Mutual Positive Outcomes

The art of interviewing incorporates techniques that enable the interviewer to develop skills to work effectively and efficiently in a variety of situations with varying types of clients. This workshop builds skills in communicating for success with resistant clients. Participants will enhance their ability to move the client from negative involvement with personal externally controlled …



Interactive coaching is available for organisations seeking to facilitate real and sustainable change. Coaching assists participants to internalise concepts presented in 2, 3 or 4 day intensive courses. In an environment that is supportive and non-judgemental, this program enables participants to engage in processes of self reflection and self evaluation to further develop techniques in …


How to Be a Better Manager

Being an effective manager is one of the hardest jobs in the world. There is no instruction manual that provides answers to all the problems that managers face daily. Without a clear understanding of how and why people behave, managers can develop levels of frustration that may lead them to feel powerless.   The focus …