Contact Judy Hatswell
Ph: +61 2 9872 4231
Mobile: +61 4 17 041 275
Judy is currently training in the areas of:
- Quality Schooling
- Choice Theory/Reality Therapy
- Lead Management
- Character Education – Restoring
- Respect and Responsibility
- Classroom Management
- Leading Effective Practice Through
- Partnerships
- Communicating for Success
- Supporting People Through Change
- Developing Effective Relationships
- Effective Management Skills in Business
“Quality is not the problem, quality is the answer to the problems” W.Edwards Deming
For schools to be effective and to succeed in having students produce quality work, a mixture of sound theory and well researched strategies plus excellent leadership is required. An understanding of Choice Theory, an internal psychology, provides staff, students and parents with the reasons why particular strategies are more useful than others in succeeding to develop quality educational outcomes. This Theory underpins the importance of developing effective relationships with students and staff. Reality Therapy or Counselling for Success provides all members with skills. The Counselling for Success techniques also enable teachers and administrators to learn to work effectively with students and staff who are resistant to change. Lead Management techniques with an emphasis on self evaluation, visioning and values within both the whole school and the classroom provide the tools for administrators, staff, students and parents to work together toward high learning outcomes. Lead Management is everyone’s business and is an art. An art that can be taught. Effective leadership is based on developing quality relationships. Everyone in an organisation needs to be connected, trusted, acknowledged and respected. Management studies highlight the importance of quality relationships. Some claim that 78% of the success of an organisation comes from effective relationships. These programs teach participants how to achieve success.
Quality Education
Implementing Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management in Schools
Basic Intensive Program, Advanced Intensive Program These programs link theory to practice. They focus on the core business of schools; quality teaching, quality learning and quality behaviour. Many primary and secondary schools have found that incorporating the ideas of CT/RT/LM has resulted in increased academic outcomes for students, decreased stress for students and teachers and …
Positive Discipline is a Curriculum Issue
Positive self discipline with students will never be achieved by focusing on order or consequences. There is no discipline system that can change the behaviour causing concern. Success will only be achieved by increasing student skills in responsibility, respect, tolerance, relationships and conflict management techniques. Teaching these skills and competencies in a deliberate well planned …
Retain Sanity Restore Responsibility
Working with students with behavioural difficulties is stressful for all parties involved. Intervention strategies require complex solutions to complex problems. This hands-on workshop enables practitioners to understand the purpose of behaviour and to design intervention strategies for managing students within the school system. It incorporates a variety of techniques such as anger management, empathy training, …
Leading in Leadership Lead Management the Pathway for Responsible and Effective Change
Quality leadership is at the heart of a quality workplace. Managers become quality leaders through the practice of leadership skills developed through the structured learning experiences presented in this course. Effective lead management directly influences working relationships, individual work satisfaction and the quality of work performance of an organisation. By understanding and using the skills …
Self Evaluation
Self evaluation is the key component for students developing responsibility for their own academic and behaviour outcomes. Research indicates that self evaluation plays a key role in fostering an upward cycle of learning. Self evaluation encourages students to set higher goals and achieve better outcomes in their learning. This course will teach the skills of …
Interviewing for Success
Administrators are placed in many situations which require sophisticated interviewing skills. Knowledge about quality interviewing is shared and techniques are demonstrated and practiced in this highly interactive workshop. Participants will leave the course with skills that can be effective in managing staff, interviewing students and parents. The concepts and practical examples of “Interviewing for Success” …
Confrontation Skills for Positive Outcomes
Confronting staff over shared concerns while at the same time maintaining positive relationships are skills necessary for all administrators. This course provides an understanding of reality therapy techniques for management situations. Practice in using skills to enable practitioners to successfully work with staff for effective resolutions of difficult situations is a course component. 1 …
Understanding Conflict Prevent Incidents Becoming Crises
Understanding and avoiding conflicts are essential skills for all educators working in schools. 95% of crises begin with the most insignificant of incidents. By attending this course participants will understand the conflict cycle, learn skills to defuse potential conflict situations, reduce stress experienced, save valuable time, remain calm and grow in confidence in managing difficult …
Life Space Crisis Intervention
Life Space Crisis Intervention is an advanced interactive therapeutic strategy for turning crisis situations into learning opportunities for youth with chronic patterns of self-defeating behaviour. This course will enable staff to understand the techniques and strategies to prevent escalation of incidents. Learn to identify different patterns of behaviour. Learn skills to help students whose unresolved …
Developing Curriculum to Meet the Needs of Students in the 21st Century
A mental shift from the traditional to the emerging paradigm of education is required by teachers for classrooms to successfully meet the current needs of students. This workshop focuses on the needs of students in the 21st century and how they differ from the teaching and school structures of the last three decades. The quality …
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is a different way of being smart. It is a sense of self awareness. It includes social skills and empathy skills, identifying feelings, being confident, understanding and managing moods, motivation and delaying gratification. Researchers now generally agree that IQ counts for less than 20% in achieving success. The ability to manage one’s emotions, …
Social and Emotional Literacy
As the task of teaching grows ever more challenging, educators need to know how to understand social and emotional learning to help students manage their emotions and behaviours. Bolstering emotional learning provides students with significant advantages in their cognitive abilities, skills performance and interpersonal adjustment. This workshop presents a number of perspectives and programs for …
Developing Responsibility Through Character Education
Restoring respect and responsibility through teaching Character Education is a world-wide trend that has proven to be an important ingredient which assists students to develop self discipline. Self discipline and responsible behaviours are key competencies to enable youth to achieve success in the world today. The ability to develop effective relationships, team work, and co-operative …
The Elegance of the Interview
The art of interviewing incorporates techniques that enable the interviewer to develop skills to work effectively and efficiently in a variety of situations with varying types of clients. This workshop builds skills in communicating for success with resistant clients. Participants will enhance their ability to move the client from negative involvement with personal externally controlled …
Interactive coaching is available for organisations seeking to facilitate real and sustainable change. Coaching assists participants to internalise concepts presented in 2, 3 or 4 day intensive courses. In an environment that is supportive and non-judgemental, this program enables participants to engage in processes of self reflection and self evaluation to further develop their techniques …
Parenting Course: Being a More Effective Parent
Being an effective parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. There is no instruction manual that provides answers to all the problems that parents face daily. Without a clear understanding of how and why children behave, parents, while trying to do their best, can develop levels of frustration which may lead to …